Friday, October 19, 2012

I came across this little gem while stalking the aisles of a thrift store earlier this week while I killed some time. It made me laugh. Not "ha ha truly funny belly laugh", but the "oh for the love! are you freaken' kidding me?!" type of laugh.

The irony almost made me want to puke up.

Because instead of just doing it, we have to have a committee meeting to plan who will provide the refreshments, order the supplies, paint it, modge podge, and then cut the vinyl with our Cricut. 

Shouldn't it look more like this...

Back of an envelope with a crayon from the bottom of my purse. Bingo! That'll get the message across.

I'm really trying hard to implement more of this principle into my life. Trying. I did not start with Halloween costumes. 

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