I have deeply profound thoughts regarding my reflections on the past, and even greater ones as I think on the future.
Dear 2011,
WTH, yo!?! Didn't you just get here?
Dear 2012,
WTH, yo!?! Who let you in?
No, but really, 2011 is over?
Let's recap...
Scrunch turned three.
Hairlines saw a significant improvement this year.
We started on the backyard.
After a long sabbatical, I got out the paint scrubs and started on the laundry room.
Porkchop had part of his soft palate closed...
My Mom officially gained the title of One Crazy MotherClucker!
I stopped pumping. Can I get a "Woot, woot!!!!"
My Husband went to Jerusalem, I got down with my bad paintin' self (again), and Scrunch changed her name to 'Fern'.
Porkchop turned 1!!
Finished the backyard.
Traveled SOLO to see my dear friend.
Found out our family would be growing.
Husband did a training hike.
Spent a lot of time at the lake.
Found out that you should really pay attention and listen to all those signs in Yosemite about NO GAS!
God Bless America!
Finished the kitchen (for now).
8 Years baby! And he still knows what makes my heart go pitter-pat- Lowe's flooring sales.
I turned 3 * 3 * 3!
It was hot and heavy. I was sick, sick, sick.
Ez-ah-wah!!!!!! My favorite nephew was born.
Scrunch started pre-school. Giving Mama some time to work on a project of her own.
Husband walked, and walked, and walked like a little pioneer child completing 160 miles of the John Muir Trail in nine days!!
I got less sick. Attempted my first world record.
Porkchop went in for a quick change of the old ear tubes.
And the whole family Mutated. Temporarily.
Get to meet Ez-ah-wah IRL!! I proved my love to him by making cute owl cupcakes, banners, and balloons.
We ate, drank, and were merry with an entire houseful of our biggest fans.
We were grateful. Scrunch especially for getting to meet all the Princesses.
Feels like it was just yesterday. Or two days ago.
The end. We partied parent style by putting the kids to bed vegetating in front of our laptops.
2012 is looking to be a bore. Um...not. This week Porkchop has surgery, Husband goes to Jerusalem, my grandma comes to stay, and in a few weeks we'll have three monkeys jumping on the bed.
Dear 2012,
Bring it!!!
As always, the Mayor of Crazytown
1. Often misinterpreted as a bad characteristic, crazy is used to describe people that are random, hyper, creative, and flat out fun to hang with.(adj.)
1 comment:
Cute recap! :)
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