Sunday, November 27, 2011


We ate, drank, and were merry (most of the time).

We also took our first trip to Urgent Care. Met the new soon to be in-laws. Stayed up too late. Woke up too early. My faithful and die-hard blog reader finally met Scrunch and Porkchop in person and discovered that oh, yes she really does have that much personality. 

And the highlight of the trip? 

Scrunch finally got to meet her "Ez-zah-wa!" She likes him more than popcorn, more than Gwen, and sometimes more than Mommy. 

I will be gathering up the pictures over the next few days. In the mean time, this is my reminder. There's also a menu that went with each event. Oh, did we ever eat!

Tuesday- Travel Day
Wednesday- Kids's Pictures, Set up for Thursday
Thursday- Thanksgiving
Friday- Disneyland
Saturday- Ezra's Blessing
Sunday- Forgo the nap and came straight home.

1 comment:

Marti said...

"Come on",the new favorite quote at our home.

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