Monday, October 11, 2010


Are you a pull the tape off really fast kind of person or really slow? This. is. killing. me. I'm ready to get this show on the road. We check in tomorrow at 7:15am. Surgery is scheduled for 8:30a.m. I wasn't nervous until they called to tell me I couldn't feed him after 3am. Whether he sleeps through the night doesn't matter because I'll be waking him up to eat. We've talked it over and Scrunch has been prepared that they're going to 'close his lip' and that he is going to look different but it's still our Porkchop.

The little bugger was soooo happy today. He's generally an easy going kid, but today was over the top. Like salt in a wound. Poor kid doesn't even see it coming.


grandma/mom said...

Just got home from trip with Porkchops great grandma and she sure loves him and Scrunch. Kept me informed the whole time. Hope everything goes well and you will be in our prayers. Please keep us updated. He is a lucky guy to have such great parents!! Carolyn

Angela N said...

Thinking of you this morning. Your post brings tears to my eyes. He will do great, but I know as a mom it must be killing you.

needlenut said...

Our prayers are with you and we pray all will go well and the next couple of weeks will be okay. We love you and support you.

Anonymous said...

We have been thinking about your family all day. I hope everything went really well!!

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