Monday, June 29, 2009

The censored version.

I've been censored. And I'm torn because I should really keep the good karma flowing, and yet I'm being totally egged on by the cackling of my sister in the background. Even a happy medium has been known to tick some people off. They need to get a life.

Seriously people? We all know how I feel about pious, pretentious, prudes who think that by slamming and criticizing they are lifting people up to the heights that they think they have attained when really they are just making an ass of themselves, being incredibly rude, not to mention totally un-Christlike. Oh, you didn't know I felt that way? Now you do. See here for the discussion. If she ruffles feathers, I think I would blow them straight off their chicken butts.

When in doubt go bullet style...
  • We went swimming tonight and I scared myself by what I thought was climbing out of my bathing suit. Tarantulas that would frighten Bear Grylls. Let's just say summer was a long time ago and it's going to take a tree hedger to get things back in shape. Which reminds me...the girl who sold us our La-Z-Boy today was Brazilian.
  • My stress has been relieved. Literally. If you didn't get the memo on that you either aren't on my A-list or I decided to protect you from things you just shouldn't know about a person. I should be more ashamed that my A-list included more than one phone call. Tough ta-tas.
  • Which reminds me again...I am back to wanting a boob job. I cycle through wanting one, not wanting one, off and on throughout the year. I think it's seasonal. Something about having to fill (or not fill) the afore mentioned bathing suit.
Hmmm...what else can I tell you that will keep you even more awake tonight or give you (more) nightmares? I can't think of anything else right now, but if you can't look me straight in the eye this week I'll know you've read this post. Which is the last thing that reminds me...that's got to be the most annoying thing about the whole C-Jane controversy- people who threaten to quit reading, but don't. If you don't like how people are playing the game, pick up your toys and go home.


Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. You always give me something to laugh about. Thanks!

Lisa said...

My vote goes to censorship, it brings a much nicer spirit. But that goes without saying, right?

Think of it as virtue, not piety. After all, if we are not in the church to improve ourselves, what for then?

Marti said...

Just catching up on my blog reading and I just love to read yours. You make me laugh. Thanks to directing me to c-jane. What a great writer. I've also check out the the blog segulla(spelling?). What fun reading from real people! Congrated on the new home!!

Crazy Me... said...

Net, I don't think I even need to comment but you just made my day. :)

Crazy Me... said...

I read your link. Who the HELL do those women think they are? That blog post was amazing. I loved it!

My vote goes for banishing people that don't agree with you and me. Stupid heads...

(Remember when everything used to be stupid head? Miqui used to say it in the funniest voice...)

Marti said...

How boring this life would be if we all thought alike and had the take on everything!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure if I needed to comment since I was the sister in the background laughing and egging you on. But Amen to everything you said.

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