Monday, August 3, 2009

Excuses, excuses.

Some people manage to get away without blogging for weeks, even months. I'm gone for two days and I get the text, "why haven't you blogged?" "Busy" was my response. It was a lie. Not that it worked anyway.

But if you don't believe me, maybe you'll believe Dr. Phil. Anyone else notice that Dr. Phil is only a slightly more classy Jerry Springer? Slightly. If you never watched at least part of an episode of Jerry Springer and were not totally entertained then you're a liar. No one doesn't love five minutes of Jerry Springer. There's just something about 'HOLY CRAP I'M NOT NEARLY AS SCREWED UP AS THESE PEOPLE!' that does something for your psyche.

Anyway, I happened to catch five minutes of Dr. Phil. a few weeks ago. In that five minutes the man said something that changed my life. I swear. "Taking care of a toddler is like trying to catch a spider monkey." No wonder the man is makin the big bucks. If I had a nickel for every time I thought that today, I would be raking it in too. Instead, I'm just now able to pause and catch my breath. Even spider monkeys sleep.


Casey said...

He he he! It must be nice to be so loved by your adoring fans to be missed in just 2 days!!! Love the spider monkey quote...might have to use that as my quote of the week...that is if I ever get back to blogging again!?

Crazy Me... said...

Just put that spider monkey into a 'cage' (aka-the car) and come on down! There are several willing helpers down here!

Mayor of CrazyTown said...

I would not necessarily call my sisters adoring fans. :)

Marti said...

Your spider monkey is soooo cute!

cambridgeclan said...

Do you mean those non bloggers like me? I have really been thinking about it:) I have my own spider monkey that I am frequntly following. She can move the big step stool herself and so has given her axcess to most of the house. It must be exercise of some sort.

Miqui said...

If not adoring fans, what would you call us?

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