Remember the book Mr Popper's Penguins? He kept penguins in his refrigerator. And I know some people keep frozen rodents for their pet snakes in the freezer. That's got to be worse than what I found! Sick-o-rama!
1. Often misinterpreted as a bad characteristic, crazy is used to describe people that are random, hyper, creative, and flat out fun to hang with.(adj.)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
We're selling all of our appliances on Craigslist and this morning I got a request for the pictures of the INSIDE of the fridge. Gulp. Really? You wanna see the inside of my fridge? Right now? I've seen people who are tagged and post a pic of their fridge and then swear they didn't clean or straighten it. I think they lie. But fine, I want these out of here by tomorrow so I took pics and sent them off. I hope it doesn't influence her decision. I did mention that it would be empty and bleached when she saw it again.
Remember the book Mr Popper's Penguins? He kept penguins in his refrigerator. And I know some people keep frozen rodents for their pet snakes in the freezer. That's got to be worse than what I found! Sick-o-rama!

Remember the book Mr Popper's Penguins? He kept penguins in his refrigerator. And I know some people keep frozen rodents for their pet snakes in the freezer. That's got to be worse than what I found! Sick-o-rama!
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Confession!! I have something different in our freezer. Will post it later on the blog. Keep you guessing until then. Happy DAY
the two most prominent things in your fridge: garlic and yogurt... interesting combination.
Oh, if it makes you feel any better, I used to work at Wyview- cleaning the apartments after couples left... you ain't got nothin' on some of them!!!
I eat yogurt almost everyday. And garlic on just about everything except my yogurt.
I knew we were related. YUM...garlic.... (as I consume my peach yogurt.)
Hey.. Are those frozen Twinkies I see in there?
Does that ice cream in your freezer have high fructose corn syrup?? Shame on you!! :)I guess we should have hidden more in there while we had the chance... Is the Diet Coke still in there too??
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