Saturday, August 16, 2008


I've got nothing for you to rate. Unfortunately as my husband suspected, one man's crap is still another man's crap. But we got to eat nasty Chinese food from a road side stand. Mmmmm. Yummy. I opted out on the green onions. See, Husband was worried about the chicken but I was more concerned about the green onions. If we puke it will be the coolest colored puke ever because we also got Slurpees on the way home. That should about do it for my yearly dose of artificial food coloring. Hope your Saturday was much more productive!


Casey said...

Bummer that the trip was less than successful? Unless puking Chinese food is considered a success? My hubby did that years ago, and didn't eat Chinese food for at least 5 years! It was THAT memorable! Hope you have better luck!

Crazy Me... said...

Mine was. I got engaged! :)

And what's with green onions?

Mayor of CrazyTown said...

You didn't hear about hepatitis and green onions?

Oh, and no wonder you didn't answer your phone. :)

northslopegang said...

Just checking in to say HI.

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