It's so easy to get caught up in what the next step is or lamenting how things should have been. I should know. I'm a five year planner by nature. I want to always be moving on to bigger, better. Go, go, go. I know where I want to be and how I want to get there.
According to my plans I would have currently been a nurse in Africa working with Doctors Without Borders or in Russian orphanages. I wouldn't be due to meet my husband for another four years. I was sure I was going to go abroad doing international nursing and not get married until I was 28. Boy was I wrong. Only about a decade off. According to other plans I should have had a little one just about to enter Sunbeams maybe another on the way, who knows?
Well, obviously I won't be quitting my day job to do any personal planning on a professional basis. Luckily for me, someone else is in charge.Because for all of my planning, I would have missed two of the most amazing, exciting, and awesome adventures! Oh there's a plan alright. A much bigger plan. I just wish I could get a little more clued in on what it is. Then it might be a little easier for me to sit back and enjoy the ride.
At the request of my Gram, I am reading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. It is a little "New Age-y" for my tastes but he writes some pretty thought provoking things. I'm even highlighting the book it's such good stuff.
He writes, "Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment."He also writes, "Life isn't as serious as my mind makes it out to be."
There's other stuff that's pretty good too, and some that is way above my philosophical understanding to even get, but I think it brings up a good point. The whole point is to chill and enjoy the moment. Easier said than done for someone who is happiest and most productive going a hundred miles an hour. Problem is, I could be going 100 miles in the WRONG direction.
Thank goodness for the Miss. She helps me stop and enjoy the little moments (even to the point of stopping the car) everyday. Because what if while I was busy planning I had missed this..
or this...

or this.

I love the head band on the eyes. We have had similar events with hoods and such. I love having a front facer now.
Bad hair days make me cry too Little Miss....
i love you crazytown! You inspire me. :)
Wow Netty - If you can slow down and smell the flowers now, it will change the rest of your life! I wish I had learned it long ago. Ekhart is not a light read but he has some good stuff. His views on the ego changed my life - literally - a few years ago when I read it the first time. Enjoy the book and reap the rewards.
Our little miss is getting some hair!! She told me today that she really wants to come play at Grammy's house.....
Awesome post! I might have to put that book on my "to read" list - of course, that list is about a mile long right now, and my reading time ends up being about 15 minutes at the end of the day, but maybe SOMEDAY I'll get to read it and we can talk :)
Does every Papa think that his little girl is the most beautiful little girl in the world? :)
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