Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Forget Punxsutawney Phil!

That little varmin Phil can shove it where the sun won't ever shine!

I don't care what he says! We're getting a jump on Spring around here. And with Spring comes Spring cleaning. Or rather Spring organizing. I loves me some good organization!

With a little help from Scrunch, IKEA, and Target (pronounced Tar-jay) I can find things in the kitchen and she can find her crayons. Although I'd really rather I got to play with the crayons and she cooked in the kitchen.

This organizing stuff is a lot of work.


Anonymous said...

Not to alarm you but your popcorn stash on your counter is awful low especially with Grami coming to visit:) Little Miss is such a cutie. I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow.

Casey said...

nice job! does scrunch have her own tool belt yet?

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