Friday, February 13, 2009

You know you're spoiled when...

We need a better word than spoiled. Spoiled sounds so bratty. Abundantly gifted? That doesn't sound any better. OK, maybe she is a little spoiled. You know it's true when people bring YOU presents on THEIR birthday. Ah, it is good to be a girl. And the only girl. Grami is coming today to celebrate her birthday and Scrunch is very excited. Honestly mom. She woke up this morning and said, "I want to see my Grami today."

OK, not really. But Grami calls (almost) every morning and says, "Scrunch told me she wants to come and see her Grami." And since it is her birthday...

Instead, she is coming here and will have to settle for a weekend of babysitting and reading stories for the ump-tienth million time. How convenient for me! I'm so confused as to whose birthday it actually is.

Happy Birthday Grami! We have lots of new tricks to show you.


Marti said...

"Well-loved" might be the word you are looking for. Tell Grami Happy b-day from us!!

Holly said...

are you taking her to yoga with you? Is that downward dog she's doing?

Goose said...

too stinking cute!

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