Meet Block 4 of row 3. Noro Kureyon Colorway 182C
Cast on: First attempt over the weekend. Actual block: two days ago.
Completed: Thursday June 19 at 1:27AM after watching P.S. I Love You for about the hundredth time.
I only have twenty-three of these little suckers more to go. And a chit load of seaming and blocking to do.
I guess it is a good thing that I took a day or two off work for some R & R.... or should that be Sewing, Sewing, Sewing!!!!
P.S. I love, love, love it!!! I'm soooo excited!!!!
Is this the one that is for mom? I have nothing to offer but if you get mad at mom or change your mind you could always give it to me:)
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